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Joining: our ethos

This site is our main method of communication. The socials are run by Gian, Fran & Chris (who all identify as he/him). We also maintain an email list and mail out using a gmail address. We also have a group page ’Male London socials’ within the website (TN for short) as a pointer to this site. Increasingly we use WhatsApp groups to network ideas on small meetings, withj a gossip sub-group.


We meet at their (and sometimes other) homes, thus they are parties at residences. Whilst all are keen on inclusion in organisations, we cater for people who identify as he/him or those who were assigned at birth as male (but may be non binary) at our homes.  If others want to host and increase the frequency of socials, please contact the organisers. The more gatherings the better!


There is little point in joining us if you are not in London (or in reasonable reach of the city). If you are visiting the UK / London and your visit will coincide with a social, and thus will be an exception to the above, please message us.


Unlike other groups that often degenerate into sex parties, we make it our unique selling point that we host non-sexual gatherings that are safe spaces, welcoming all male naturists. So.... our key rule is:


No sex at the venue - if you like what you see - take them home or arrange to meet again for that!

(please see the note on safeguarding you and our reputation below).


We feel the above is important so new joiners can visit without the threat (or fear) of being ‘hit on’ - particularly if new to social naturism.  If you want sex parties go to some of the places known for that around London or find the site ‘NakedMates’.


Indeed we set this up to have the opportunity for naturists identifying as he/him or were assigned at birth as male but are non binary to get together as they also can feel ’out of place’ or even unwanted at naturist clubs, particularly if single. We are countering that. See the ‘Starting Out’ page if you are only a naturist at home alone, but want more.


Some ask: "Who is coming?" the answer is: "Come and find out!" We do NOT publish a guest list (for your privacy) and encourage mixing of all types and ages. We expect you to confirm your attendance and also let us know if you are dropping out by using the email below.


You can also use it to contact us, the address is: . We would like to contact you with updates and invitations by email, so drop us a message on the above email address. We are adopting the practice used by naturist swim and rambling groups of a trial period before including you in the WhatsApp / Telegram groups. Once you have bonded with us by attending a 'get you going' supper, small event or a full social we will expand the possibilities for you to contact others.


IF YOU HAVE GOT THIS FAR AND WANT TO JOIN US, you will need to agree to the 6 points below on this page:


Our rules/guidelines and how we operate them:

We don't like too many rules but we operate under the following guidelines that we apply (or will apply in the event of an issue):


1.    Drink & Drugs - We are happy for people to drink at our socials, but not to excess and we expect people not to arrive intoxicated. We have an absolute no drugs rule.


2.    Dress code - It is a naturist social so we expect all attending to be naked for the whole event (except when arriving and leaving, of course). Flip flops or socks are acceptable if the floor is cold! We may occasionally suggest a theme to an event that may allow inventive use of accessories, but that should not involve covering up.


3.    Beyond Naturism - If you are expecting mixed social/sex parties and exhibitionism then don't come to one of ours - that sort of event is easy to find elsewhere, see  NakedMates or other sites. Our events are not opportunities to ‘perv’ at naked male bodies, be an exhibitionist, or hope for sexual action either as a participant or or voyeur. We operate a similar ethos to nudity as Brewer Street Yoga:  a safe, non-sexual space to interact with others who identify as he/him (or are assigned male at birth if non-binary) in a relaxed and informal context.

4.   Contact etiquette – we try to make newbies welcome and hope those seeing a new face will make an effort to involve them in conversations, but please remember they may be nervous so let them circulate and try not to monopolise them. We are sometimes asked what is our ‘touching policy’. The no sex expectation specifically means no genital contact or touching under any circumstances, but it’s totally fine to hug a friend!  It can be a fine line between a hug, kiss or a stroke as a greeting between friends although those are actions that may be regarded as inappropriate touching or even harassment by a stranger. Our general guidance is not to touch unless you are friends, when it is a matter of pre-established consent. If it feels appropriate, ask first if a hug etc. is OK.  If a hug or the novelty of a naked social event causes a random erection, we can cope with those – they are natural!  

5.   Respect - We will not tolerate abusive or disrespectful behaviour and operate a zero tolerance policy.  Any inappropriate behaviour will result in you being asked to leave immediately and if we get reports of you making people feel uncomfortable you will not be invited to attend further events.


6.   Follow up - If people want to be put in touch after an event, the organisers will pass on the email or contact details of the requester to the requestee. The requestee can then respond if they wish to - this is basic anti-stalking good practice. See also our Privacy Policy.


Just write us an e mail (you can copy and paste from the example below) requesting to be added to our database. We suggest something along the following lines as the paragraph covers data issues and the bits in red above:


Dear MLS,


I have read your rules/guidelines and I accept that your events are purely social and non-sexual. I agree with those rules and accept how you operate your social events. I also note that you will hold the name I give, my email address, and how I contacted/found you (and optionally my mobile number) on a password-protected database, and I agree to it being held by you. I have read your Privacy Policy and note that you will delete my data on request and that it will be deleted if I do not keep in touch over a six-month period or repeatedly fail to turn up without an explanation.


sign off with your name and date.


Venue capacity and invitations/responses

In recent Highgate events, we have attracted a pool of around ninety people of which about a third to a half often have other commitments, so we are getting around 50-70 wanting to attend. We are delighted that we are finding more like-minded people that like our approach to non-sexual social nudity, but it has got to the point that it is unsafe to move hot buffet food around and circulate comfortably. We have reluctantly decided we have to manage capacity to around 50 at Highgate and 27 at Hanger Lane. By running two parties at Highgate in the same weekend, we usually manage to accommodate most of those who want to attend.


THUS it is necessary to RSVP to the party invitation (it is also useful to know that you are a definite 'No' or could make it). We will acknowledge receipt of your interest but will confirm you have a place on Wednesday (2 days before Friday, 4 days before Sunday). We operate a door list so don't expect to get in unless you are on the list and have had a confirmatory message. If last-minute changes occur and you cannot take up your invitation, we sometimes have to operate a waitlist, so tell us ASAP so we can call people to take your place.  Three 'no shows' without an explanation or cancellation in time will cause us to remove you from the invitation system.  If we get no replies from you in a six-month period you will be removed from the system as we will assume you have lost interest. If life events cause that, you are welcome to find us again.


Privacy Policy

Male London Socials is a group of friends (without a corporate structure or bank account) that exists to encourage participants to socialise in clothes-free, non-sexual environments. We want to reassure you that we take the collection, use and retention of your personal information seriously. Below we specify how we use the information we have about you. The group is exempt from registering its data but is committed to operating within the principles of best practice in respect of data handling.



We know some attendees at our socials are also members of other groups / sites  /apps where sexual activity occurs. In order to safeguard our reputation and the feelings of those who do not wish to see or experience sexual acts or advances (beyond a harmless 'flirt' or greeting)  then we empower our friends to 'call out' any behaviour that is beyond the agreement all have made with us.  Preferably this should be done on the spot. If that confrontation would be difficult, please advise the host / organisers at an approppriate time and it will be dealt with discretely.  You may also 'call out' incidents that cause others to be uncomfortable. We suggest you bring a bag, grip or rucksack to roll up your belongings. In the winter heavy or bulky coats can be left separately.


Collecting and using your information

The details that you provide will be processed and held by the organisers. All information that we request and record is relevant to the running of our socials, including name, telephone number(s), email address, and details pertaining to how you found the group and the acceptance of our ethos. The group will use the information provided in the following ways:-

•To update our database of participants/email list, so that we can contact you by email to keep you informed of events happening in the group;

•To share your contact details and information regarding your interests with other members, at your request and add you to WhatsApp oir telegram groups with your consent.

•To email participants regarding naturist activities, flatshares and holiday opportunities offered by other participants or their friends and there is the option of WhatsApp or Telegram groups for those prepared to join in.

•Participants have the option to “opt out” of having all or certain information retained on our database, however, this must be informed in an email at the time of joining.

•We will take all reasonable measures to protect the privacy and security of your data against unauthorised external access

•We will not pass on your information to any other organisation, except where required by law.

If you have any requests concerning these uses of your information please contact the organisers.


Data quality

We rely on you to ensure that your information is complete, accurate and current. Please inform us promptly of any changes to your information. You may request a copy, at any time, of your membership details stored on our database by emailing the organisers.


Data retention policy

We will hold the information that you provide for as long as you maintain your contact with us. Should you not respond to emails in a period of six months, your interest in our activities will be deemed to have lapsed. We will delete your details from our database and you will be required to provide the information again if you choose to rejoin us at a later date. On request, we will provide by email your information as stored on our database.


If you do not wish us to hold your information anymore, you are entitled to tell us at any time and we will remove all such information from our database.


Chat Group protocol

Group chats on WhatsApp (MLNN) are for setting up meets, holidays, weekends, working naked together,  or flat shares and not gossip, chat and swapping pictures..  We take the stance that if one were going to respond to a suggestion for a film evening, one might want to open the chat in the office, so MLS suggest all should run on the principle that the chat COULD be seen in a work situation in order to respond to something that evening. Similarly, a flat share opportunity might get snapped up and quick response may be needed. 


SO. . . . MLS suggest face pictures or clothed bodies ONLY if you need to add a snap to introduce yourself and keep exchanges focussed on setting up meetings on MLNN - be sensible with pictures that could be seen by others, but generally keep it to text.


We recommend replying privately.  If you are not interested just ignore the suggestion, there is no need to respond and say why you can't.  For events that could involve more than a handful of guys, hosts will use a google form.


©2023 by Male London Socials. Proudly created with

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